Metallized floor wax with high cross-linked polymers
PH 9
- Treading resistance
- Protects the floor over time
- Creates a polished and anti-slip film
Standard packaging
5 kg tank: 3 TANKS X BOX - 48 BOXES X PALLET
Metalized wax for treatment of surface in PVC, linoleum, gres, klinker, ceramic, rubber.
Suitable also for porousfloors such as terracotta, natural stone, non-treated marble and not glazed wood.
High reticulation metalized wax suitable for every kind of floor, designed for high foot traffic surfaces.
Usury and scratches resistant emulsion, it protects the floor from moisture and usury.
Acrylic dispersion-based formula, it greatly resists to maintenance (450 – 1000 rpm)